
Thanks for stopping by Type It Hard! If you are interested in computational methods to extract, analyze, and visualize data, but a beginner like me and looking to enter this fascinating field, you are in the right place!

Type It Hard is written by me, who is a more of conventional data scientist using various statistical tools to analyze data from surveys and content analysis. My research interests lie in diffusion of digital media content and online social networks.

I have been interested in big data, machine learning, and data visualization for a long while to enhance my skillsets. I did try to get into this field a few times by signing up for online learning courses such as DataCamp, but my attempts did not really lead to any meaningful learning.

For some reason, I was not fully engaged. I found myself simply trying to finish a series of assigned tasks without thinking much about why things work the way they do and how they apply to my own work. Online learning does not seem to fit my learning style.

After multiple failures, I started feeling things might be different if I actually worked on real projects. There are many tutorials and codes online shared by experienced and advanced data scientists. Perhaps, if I modeled those codes and applied them to different scenarios relevant to my interest, my learning could be more meaningful.

I started this blog basically as a motivation tool to record the progress of my learning – I plan to complete various R tutorials available online such as Web scraping, sentiment analysis, and data visualization and post my trial-and-error experience on this blog. But, I kind of hope that my experience somehow helps beginning learners out there like myself. That would be humbly fantastic.

Happy learning, and type it hard!